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Give Someone Credit

Give Someone Credit

0 Give Someone Credit

We know that a badge says something about a person who earns it, but what does a badge say about the issuer?

When an observer of an earned badge looks at its criteria and the evidence that someone achieved something, what will they learn about the organization or individual who decided to bestow the badge? What does a badge say about what you value in the world?

In this Quest, you will define a badge that represents the achievement of something you value. For example, it could be the demonstration of a skill, an important behavior or attitude, or the reaching of a milestone that matters. You will create a badge for this achievement, and then you will issue it someone who deserves it. Here’s how:

  1. Sign into your Credly account.
  2. Click “Give” at the top of the page.
  3. Design and define a badge that acknowledges something important to you or your work. Follow the steps to save and then give the badge to one or more people who deserves it.

After you give a badge, describe in the submission here the name of the badge and the criteria, or link to the badge on Credly.

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